
Laurel Highlands Today

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Fayette County: 508 inmates incarcerated in Q1

Webp 19edited

In Fayette County 508 inmates were incarcerated in the first quarter of 2023, a 2.1 percent decrease from the quarter before, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

Dylan Wayne Parker, Jaden Shaw, Malik Stephens, Richard Allen Saluga, and Taveare Deonte Moore, 20-year-olds, were the youngest inmates in Fayette County in the first quarter of 2023.

Phoebe Louise Tomasek was the oldest at 89-years-old.

Incarceration rates in Pennsylvania have increased dramatically, imprisoning more than seven times the number of people in 2019 than in 1970.

Sentencing practices in Pennsylvania were found to have overwhelmingly impacted people of color.

Inmates in Fayette County in Q1

Aaron Douglas Katona32
Aaron Francis Jeffries52
Aaron Ruffalo Beck30
Adam Grow48
Adam Earl Morgan43
Albert Marody36
Albert Carl Fletcher37
Albert Theodore Greeley41
Alexander Lewis Frye34
Alexandra C. Lucketti27
Allen Myers35
Allen Ray Yauger60
Allen Russell Hall43
Alvin Theodore Green66
Anderson Dwayne Gregg41
Andre Lamont Randolph52
Andrea Elise Dusha33
Andrew Francis Lukasik49
Andrew Mark Kawecki67
Andrew Navaris Mosley37
Andrew William Wassick26
Anthony James Cronin36
Anthony Jason Dressel38
Anthony John Hess54
Anthony Marquette Hunter33
Antonio Archer34
Antonio Trevelle Lanko37
Arsuan Lee Patterson25
Arthur Childs33
Ashley Cora Nicholson37
Barry Allen Hall33
Bart Maverick Yagla36
Benjamin Elwood Senkbeil38
Benjamin Harold Randolph40
Bennie Fletcher67
Beris Jose Cabrera59
Bernard Lewis Richardson37
Billy Joe Wilson34
Bobbie Jo Mack38
Bradley Ray Rice31
Brandi Leanell Hill-Wyotovich34
Brandon Rowles33
Brandon Lee Angelo29
Brandon Lee Crossland39
Brent Alan Shaw31
Brian Keith Hays40
Brian Lee Young36
Brian Patrick Gaborko50
Brian Scott Bair42
Brian T. Lynch55
Brittany Joyce Boyd34
Brittany Nicole Burton36
Broderick Dewayne Harris36
Bruce Dewayne Jones34
Bryan Keith Baker30
Burt Parsons61
Cassaundra Lee Kephart35
Cedric Lamont Greer48
Chad Adam Washington37
Chad Allen Burton38
Charles Adams73
Charles Lynn44
Charles Anthony Thomas54
Charles Carter Price27
Charles Edward Brooks66
Charles Edward Chandler60
Charles Leonard Bell57
Charles Michael Green43
Charles N. Martell49
Charles Ray Pirl48
Charles W. Younkin48
Charles William Redman27
Chase Michael Powell25
Chris Owen Miller62
Christian Wade Palm29
Christopher Duncan35
Christopher Anthony Kemp34
Christopher Glen Greer38
Christopher James Nicholson37
Christopher John Prolenski32
Christopher Lee Vance42
Christopher Michael Lowry43
Christopher S. Robinson44
Christopher Scott Nicholson39
Christopher Tyrone Colbert25
Cody Carey31
Colby Joseph Umbel26
Corey James Hann39
Cory Adam Rose32
Coty Robert Fishburn34
Craig Allen Rugg34
Daaron Anthony Shears31
Dadrian Monique Bennett35
Dalton Jeffrey Maddas32
Daniel Bernard Manchas40
Daniel Curtis Davis41
Daniel Eugene Stoffa69
Daniel Lee Washington45
Daniel Thomas Williams40
Daniel William Poole36
Darius D. Johnson47
Darius Lee Samuel31
Darrin MacKey31
Dashalon Marlek Jones30
David Allen Avery31
David Anthony Kramer35
David Eugene Lint68
David Eugene Richter48
David J. Ritchey41
David Kintesy Carson46
David Lee Shipley25
David Lee Weaver62
David Leslie Klippi47
Deago Lee Eddings27
Debra Susan Payne63
Demetreus Juan Thomas37
Derek Scott Beneke32
Derrick Young42
Derrick D. White34
Derrick W. Chrise44
Devon G. Farquharson40
Dion Damar Everett45
Domer Burkholder39
Dominique Curtis Kitchen31
Dominique Erneice Jones31
Donald Burnsworth47
Donald Bradon Smith45
Donald Lee Smith61
Donald Ray Buzzard52
Donald Ray Cooley45
Donald Ray Homer60
Donald Ray Ohler39
Donald Robert Dugan39
Donavin Lendall Williams Moore30
Douglas William Dennis25
Dustin Albert Bohna42
Dustin R. Lilley32
Dylan Wayne Parker20
Earl Maust55
Earl David Fulton72
Earl Lee Patterson40
Edward Allan Belch62
Edward Junior Burnworth54
Edward Layman Monroe63
Edwin A. Fike75
Egypt Lashawn Singleton27
Emmanuel Howard38
Eric Lee Bowser48
Erika Michele Grogan36
Eugene Edward Kasiewicz55
Eugene M. Pratt63
Evelyn Grace Campbell37
Frank Tarr45
Frank Allen Boswell45
Frank Eric Franklin55
Frank Timothy Campbell36
Franklin Joseph Weimer53
Franklin Millard Broyles52
Fred Augusta Mitchell55
Frederick Sherwood46
Gabriel Carlos Ferro31
Garrick Robert Robinson33
Gary Ruby22
Gary James Brooks32
Gary Lee Kephart58
Geoffrey Trent Harper41
George A. Roberts63
George Edward Teets50
George Joseph Simon57
George Sidney Rhome63
George Vincent Fabian53
Gregory Allen Johnson54
Harley F. Lawver32
Harold Lee Eddings46
Harry Edward Parker43
Heather Nicole Cornish37
Henry Clay Crawford66
Henry Noah Earley42
Herbert Dale Conaway55
Howard Smith58
Howard William Wingrove38
Isaac Paul Michaux22
Isaac Zachery Farrell28
Isaiah Makail Farrell21
Isiah Colbert40
Isiah Darnell Scott31
Jacob Newlon29
Jaden Shaw20
Jajuan Demar Davis41
Jamaal Rishal Fitzgerald29
James Holcomb46
James Anthony Harris40
James Bernard Brown58
James Clarence Grimm51
James Darrell Gemas46
James Donald Gillin75
James Edward Bowman35
James Edward Herring37
James Edward Howell48
James Edward King45
James Irwin McCabe61
James S. Thompson67
James Scott Nicholson58
James Stanley Martin55
James Timothy Campbell42
James W. Vandivner73
James Walter Prinkey61
James Wilbert Herring60
James William Showalter40
Jamie Lee Shriver35
Jason Showman42
Jason Brian Meals33
Jason Eugene Geary35
Jason Lee Shaw31
Jason Matthew Leichliter44
Jason Scott Clark48
Jason Travis Linderman39
Jeffery Alan Coffer58
Jeffery R. Ranker56
Jeffrey R. Ritenour61
Jeffrey Wayne Tarpley48
Jeremy Showman40
Jeremy Scott Wogoman27
Jerod Jackson34
Jerrod Joseph Kreinbrook32
Jesse Klink31
Jesse Andrew Riggin28
Jessica Marie Archer32
Jessica Marie Lowry36
John A. Batronis57
John A. Thomas46
John Anthony Mack52
John Edwin Lowry32
John Joseph Riggen39
John Theodore Vance50
John W. Hibbard46
Johnny Demitropoulos65
Johnpaul Currin53
Jonathan Keith Godines46
Jonathan William Biller25
Joseph Thomas63
Joseph Edward Cole29
Joseph Eugene Davis50
Joseph George Nara71
Joseph H. Metts48
Joseph Howard Savage43
Joseph James Zellie61
Joseph Michael Trifiro38
Joseph Peter Frankenberry80
Joseph S. Drohn45
Joshua Fitzgerald-Brown38
Joshua Kiss28
Joshua Wolfe39
Joshua Dean Scheller33
Joshua Lee Huston40
Joshua Lee Mulnix29
Joshua Lee Sanders37
Joshua Luke Hall36
Joshua Marquis Martin36
Joshua R. Nicholson35
Joshua W. Hale44
Juan Jose Bell31
July Lida Copley52
Junior Guthrie36
Justice Tyler Thorpe24
Justin Nicholson37
Justin Charles Shea26
Justin Joseph Porterfield32
Justin Lamar Brandon32
Justin Matthew Franks35
Justin Michael McNemar40
Justin Tyler Sammartin28
Justis Tyler Lucas28
Kaitlynn Falls25
Karl Robert Keyton33
Karya Lee Hunter33
Kayla Dawn Smith33
Kayla Marie Dillow30
Keith Arnold Johnson32
Keith Richard Dille25
Keith S. Bradshaw34
Keli Marie Brumley25
Kelley Rae Anderson25
Kelly Nichole French30
Kelsha Carney Barnes33
Kenneth J. Lewis39
Kerry Brett Frey60
Kevin Alan Williamson35
Kevin Dandre Coker36
Kevin Lee Dowling49
Kevin Louis Santore38
Kevin Ray Tate47
Kira Hall41
Kirk Douglas Vandivner57
Konnor Christian Whipkey24
Kristopher Neil Lewis45
Kurt Glenn Pyeritz30
Kurtavius Jermon Smith37
Lacey Cellurale31
Lacy Darnell Bradley42
Lamar Penny28
Larry D. Knopsnider38
Larry Franklin Shaw41
Lateef Brown31
Lawrence Jerome Madison67
Lawrence Joseph Cseripko77
Lee Richard Harbaugh54
Leonard Marvin Pritchett46
Leonard Richard Karpel44
Leroy Doral Branch51
Levi Alexander Wolfe30
Lonnie Greenawalt43
Lori Beth Workman39
Malik Stephens20
Marcus Allen Nicklow36
Mario Vincent Zitz34
Marjorie Ann Jay40
Mark Alan Myers28
Mark Allen Glass50
Mark D. Breakiron61
Mark Duane Edwards40
Mark Lloyd Sneed49
Marketta Walker30
Marques Allen Curry41
Martin A. Cramer60
Martina M. Cole37
Marvin Lee Mack52
Matthew Curry67
Matthew Glenn Beers29
Matthew Joseph Barbabella27
Max G. Burnsworth41
Melanie Lynn Baker29
Melvin Jones49
Merchant Anthony Brownfield62
Michael Alvin Muha54
Michael Anthony Howell51
Michael Anthony Scully34
Michael Bryant Henry56
Michael D. Coliny48
Michael David Lucosh31
Michael E. Teets34
Michael J. Spedden40
Michael James Lazzara53
Michael Lee Hartley34
Michael N. Weber34
Michael Thomas Deeds41
Michael William Ulery29
Miguel Patrick Beach38
Miranda Lynn Arison41
Nathaniel Lewis Stites45
Nicole Elaine Lilley36
Nicole Renee Shultz34
O'Shea Carrington Thomas30
Omari Sei-Tu Parker22
Orlando Dean Stanford31
Oscar Christophe Jackson34
Patrick Ray Haney38
Patsy Marlin Marano71
Paul Edward Hensley27
Paul Jerome Bannasch33
Paul Thomas Mickey38
Peaches Spring Logan45
Perry Lee Frezzell54
Peter Lee Shoemaker40
Phoebe Louise Tomasek89
Rachel Aarold Eutsey41
Rahmel Nmn Williams47
Ralph James Cornish54
Ralph Justin Carter38
Randy Allen Smithburger32
Randy Dale Roley50
Rashard Shantez Carter31
Raymond Allen Matteson44
Regis L. Grooms39
Richard Lewis53
Richard Allen Saluga20
Richard Allen Saluga49
Richard Andrew Crossland61
Richard Carrington Williams64
Richard Dale Thomas37
Richard Darrell Decost53
Richard Franklin Grow53
Richard Joseph Bricker47
Richard Leonard Williams36
Ricky Robert Grapes43
Robert Lee53
Robert Alan Williams43
Robert David Swygert55
Robert Edward Thomas63
Robert Eric Victor38
Robert Eugene Sapp44
Robert Gene Miller33
Robert John Perry62
Robert John Schroyer46
Robert Lee Hall42
Robert Lee Pirl44
Robert Lee Young38
Robert Louis Grake57
Robert Ray Shaner44
Robin Renae Rugg42
Roger Lee McManus29
Ronald Allen Burnsworth44
Ronald Andrew Crossland35
Ronald Dale Fitzgerald39
Ronald Lee Higinbotham58
Ronald Lynn Calloway35
Ronnie Austin47
Ronny James Westerfield50
Roy Cummings41
Roy Dale Clark38
Roy William Aller24
Ryan Allen Vinc Fisher34
Ryan Craig Dennis53
Ryan Michael French30
Ryan Shane Huffman35
Salvatore Ross63
Samuel Joseph Upton46
Sandra Lee Pealer-Sawyers57
Sara Catherine Hillegas30
Scott Blystone66
Scott Alan Kelly50
Scott Alan Widener51
Sean Henry Garland32
Sean Michael Ed Ruby31
Sebastian Edward Smith21
Seth Randall Fisher31
Shaimik C. Frezzell28
Shane Wingrove52
Shane Michael Kendall36
Shaunda Marie Eaddy54
Shawn Allen Lesko41
Shawn M. Prince26
Shelby Lynn Rosensteel29
Solomon Michael Stevens28
Stanford Allen Russell50
Stanley Douglas Smitley36
Stanley Terry Brown47
Stephanie Jean Sisley31
Stephen E. Kezmarsky55
Stephen Emil Wagner61
Steven Howard Luskey35
Steven Michael Strano34
Steven Robert Lovasz58
Steven Wayne Bender56
Steven Wayne Wood66
Sunny Firestone36
Suzann Bricker55
Tammy Lynn Price52
Taveare Deonte Moore20
Terrance Edwin Pratt34
Terrance O. Zigler33
Terrence James Biddings40
Terry Walker54
Terry Allen Dubovich55
Terry Glenn Szwed24
Terry Lee Murphy35
Tesia Nicole Smigovsky28
Theresa Ann Smith43
Thomas Richard54
Thomas E. Woods58
Thomas Edward Miller52
Thomas Nathan Teets37
Tiffany Murphy32
Tiffany Lynn Evans32
Timothy Alan McKinney41
Timothy Allan Frost57
Timothy Avery Rossell35
Timothy John Murphy38
Timothy Quinn Rodeheaver61
Todd Allen Johnson50
Tommi C. Barber37
Toney Robert Jones27
Torey Vaughn Peterson43
Travis Ray Burnsworth34
Tremayne Jerel Spillman36
Trey Zachery Holmes27
Tristan Wayne Nicholson22
Tristian Michael Lukehart25
Troy Allen Breakiron33
Tyler Evans46
Tylor Charles Swink29
Tyree Smith27
Tyrique Patterson43
Vasia Leshae Reed31
Vincent Irving Jones31
Wilbert James Burnsworth49
Wilbur Kriss Cable65
Wiley Estill Gambrel63
Wilfredo T. Smith49
William Percha52
William Albert Roberts54
William Amos Cramer31
William Anthony McLaughlin61
William Anthony Shaw35
William David Price59
William Earl Smith50
William John Little40
William Joseph Colbert23
William Junior Savage46
William Kenneth Bosley53
William Lee Clemmer38
William Milton Strickler44
William Philip Black44
William Stanley Goney21
William Steven Hall40
Willie James Lancaster32
Woodrow Charles Hanan32
Xavier Cash24


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